Kudos Tuition Ltd.
knowledge. understanding. diversity. opportunities. success
charities we support
kudos tuition was created out of a genuine passion for education and social mobility. this is why we donate the commission we make from each student's first lesson to one of the educational charities below:
1. all in one: https://www.allinoneeducation.co.uk/
2. book love: https://www.thisisbooklove.com/
3. educate & celebrate: https://www.educateandcelebrate.org/
4. FUTURE FIRST: https://futurefirst.org.uk/
5. generating genius: https://generatinggenius.org.uk/
6. lightyear foundation: https://www.lightyearfoundation.org/
7. Stephen lawrence charitable trust: https://www.stephenlawrencetrust.org/
8. malala fund: https://malala.org/
9. THE BLACK LITERACY FUND: https://www.instagram.com/theblackliteracyfund/
10. The sutton trust: https://www.suttontrust.com/
11. Open palm: https://www.openpalm.org.uk